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Creating the Perfect Ergonomic Workspace
Step by step guide on creating the perfect ergonomic workspace, whether at home or at your office.
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My Horrible Experience with Shared Hosting, and why VPS is the ONLY Way To Go
A cautionary tale on the perils of shared hosting in general, and why you should consider a VPS for your next site, big or small.
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jQuery Full Screen Image Viewer
This script expands any image to fill the entire browser screen when clicked on, with the option to further zoom in when the user mouses over the enlarged image.
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Displaying Content in Full Screen using the Fullscreen API in JavaScript
Some content just beg to be displayed full screen, such as select images or videos on your site. See how to do it easily using the Fullscreen API.
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LowerCase and Title Case Converter
Online tool to easily fix up a headline so it's all lowercase or capitalized on every first letter:
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jQuery Page Scroll Progress Bar
Compact jQuery Page Scroll Progress Bar to help orient visitors when scrolling inside a long page.
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Best Wordpress Theme Bundles to Save You Money
A list of 10 of the best Wordpress Theme Bundles you should consider if you're tired of paying for themes on a per copy and domain basis.
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Introduction to JavaScript Async Functions- Promises simplified
See how to use JavaScript async functions with JavaScript Promises to further simplify asynchronous operations in JavaScript.
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Zoomio jQuery Image Zoom
A smooth, mobile friendly product images zoom script that overlays an enlarged image directly on top of the original image when activated.
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Introduction to CSS Variables
A comprehensive introduction to CSS Variables, a new browser feature that lets you store and reuse CSS values in your CSS.